Friday, January 10, 2014

My heart is Broken

Today I attended the funeral of my human father. There is much I could say about him, but I have more to say about the nightmare that was his funeral. I knew that his wife was Christian and that the funeral would likely have a lot of prayer. My worst fears were confirmed when there was no funeral service – only a sermon.

The man that was my father never attended church. He believed in God, but was never a religious person. My beliefs came from my fairy mother, which was to be open minded about all things. We were taught to love everyone and to never judge others. I'm about to break that last part.

I watched two Baptist preachers read from the old testament. All they talked about was God and Jesus, with my father barely receiving a mention. He was an after thought. Neither preacher had ever met my father more than a couple of times. They knew absolutely nothing about him. Neither took the time to even find out the names of his family.

My family and I sat in horror at the display of disconnection and lack of empathy for anyone other than my father's selfish wife. What had even more impact were the zombies who watched the preacher with unflinching devotion. They were transfixed on words they had heard a million times. They were mesmerized by words about the wonderful caring God, with no mention of disease and starvation that fills the world.

If there was this all powerful God there would be no hunger, no disease, and no Christian father's raping daughters. There would be no child abuse. Christians hate more than anyone I have ever seen. They look down on others simply because of whom they choose to love, or their chosen lifestyle.

I watched as little children were forced to sit and listen to words about a wrathful God that would punish those who don't believe. These children are told from a young age they they will suffer at the hands of some tormenting demon if they don't believe. This is no less child abuse. These people shouldn't be allowed to raise those children.

We watched on 9/11, 2001 as religious fanatics murdered 3000 people. We watched as innocent people died by the hands of abortion clinic bombers. Thousands upon thousands have died in perpetual religious wars happening in the Middle East.

I think I'll go cry for a while, not for the passing of my human father, but for all the people that will die or be crippled by religious fed wars. For those of you who have children, teach them the difference between right and wrong. At all cost protect them from religious zealots. Allow them to decided their life path with an open mind.

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